Handfasting ceremonies have gotten very popular lately, but this is not a new fad. Handfasting is an ancient and symbolic ceremony used by many ancient cultures including the Vikings and the Druids. It is literally where we get the saying "to tie the knot".

Some couples choose to have a hand tying ceremony after the wedding vows and before the ring exchange. Some keep it very simple and have a rope binding their hands and the celebrant says their chosen words. It literally takes a few minutes for this simple and poignant moment.

Other couples choose to make this the central point of the ceremony. They may pick different coloured ribbons for the ceremony. Different colours represent different things. Yellow can represent friendship and happiness. Green is the colour of fresh and new beginnings, and also fertility. Red is warmth and passion. So it is all a matter of choice. Some couples choose if they have children to let them bring up the ribbons or help to bind the couple.

You can choose to bind one hand or both hands. Some couples face each other and some standing side by side. I personally love when a couple faces each other, gripping each other's wrist at the pulse point. ( this makes a fabulous photo). I like to use a verse that I will post below. The hands are bound and the couple keeps the rope/ribbon and get it framed with the verse.
